Personal Loan

Personal Loan for Self Employed

Personal Loans for self-employed professionals are not as simple to avail as they are for salaried employees. As such, the lenders take extra precautions, conduct additional checks, and require more documentation. And they have a very reason for all such extra efforts. Unlike salaried employees, who are on a guaranteed fixed income, the monthly income of the self-employed professional varies. Their income can soar sky-high in some months or some particular situations. And, in some months their income might drop to a very insignificant amount. The success of all the businesses depends on their existing market conditions. Even if, they are doing everything right, some days or months might not see any income.

A great example to understand this would be a holiday resort. During the holiday season, it might remain over-booked. While in a non-holiday season, weeks can go without any customer. As such, lending to self-employed people involves a higher risk for the lender. However, certain professionals such as Chartered Accountants, Doctors, Engineers, Company Secretaries, and Architects and ICWAI graduates are offered a special loan. All the top lenders consider these as low-risk profiles.

Personal Loan for Unemployed

The lenders offer personal loan to an applicant only when they are sure of their repayment capability. As such, an unemployed individual has no chance to avail an unsecured loan. But unsecured loans are not the only types of personal loans available.

Apart from personal loans, there are multiple options to borrow money. Some of these are:

  1. Gold Loans or a loan against gold.
  2. Loans against Investments, such as fixed deposits, shares, or NSCs.
  3. Loan against property provided the applicant is the owner.

All these are types of secured personal loans. And the borrower is free to use the loan amount for any purpose. Since these are secured personal loans, the collateral is at risk, should the borrower fail to repay. In such cases, the lender is legally allowed to sell or auction the collateral to recover their money. Hence, these should opt only when the need is genuine and worthy of the collateral risk.

Personal Loan vs. Credit Loan

This a question which almost everybody asks. In the times of financial crisis, which of these is a better credit option. Let us have a look at how they compare.

FeaturePersonal LoanCredit Card
Loan Amount₹50,000 – ₹5,000,000Depends on Income
Interest Rates10.5% – 36%

12% – 24%
Collateral RequiredNoneNone
Interest Calculation

On Principal AmountOn Outstanding Amount
RepaymentFixed EMIsFlexible EMIs

Personal Loan vs. Line of Credit

Both these loan options are great. But, each of these has its own pros and cons. Here is a comparison based on different aspects.

FeaturePersonal LoanLine of Credit
Loan Amount₹50,000 – ₹5,000,000₹5,000 – ₹500,000
Processing Time3-5 Days2 Hours – 1 Day
Collateral RequiredNoneNone
Interest CalculationOn Principal AmountOn Outstanding Amount
RepaymentFixed EMIsFlexible EMIs

Personal Loan vs. Gold Loan

Both will serve you to meet urgent cash requirements. But, one requires your gold as collateral. This should be your only point of consideration if you are eligible for both. Let us have a look at how these compare to each other in certain aspects.

FeaturePersonal LoanGold Loan
Loan Amount₹50,000 – ₹5,000,000Depends on the Value of Gold
Processing Time3-5 Days

Collateral RequiredNoneYes, Gold
Interest CalculationOn Principal AmountOn Principal Amount
RepaymentFixed EMIsFixed EMIs